PicsartExploreCertainly! Creating a mosaic-style photo is a fantastic way to add an artistic touch to your images. Let’s dive into the steps for achieving this trendy effect using PicsArt:Border Creation:Start by selecting the Border icon from the toolbar.Create a simple white outer border around your image.Border Mask:Next, choose Masks from the toolbar.In the Border category, select Border 41 and confirm it.Repeat the process and select Border 41 again, but this time, rotate it 90 degrees to create a grid effect.Crop:Crop along the edges of the white border you created to remove it.Motion Tool:Select the Motion Tool.Create a series of about 20 small loops across the face.Use the “Free mode” and drag your finger in circles to create angular shards of mosaic.Draw Tool:Confirm and open the Draw Tool.Duplicate the layer with your image.Add a photo layer of your original photo between the two duplicate layers.Hide the top mosaic layer.Erase and Merge:Erase parts of your original portrait to reveal the mosaic behind, leaving the main features like eyes, nose, and hair intact.Merge your portrait and the lower mosaic into a single layer.Duplicate & Rotate:Duplicate your hidden mosaic layer on top and move it to the bottom.Select Transform and rotate the bottom layer 45 degrees.Fine-Tuning:In your merged middle layer, use the Eraser to erase the eyes and nose, revealing the rotated mosaic behind it.Merge the two layers.Hair and Background:Repeat the process for the hair by duplicating the hidden top mosaic layer, moving it to the bottom, and erasing pieces of the middle layer.Finally, do the same for the background.Layer Adjustment:Delete your top layer, merge the bottom layers, and add a new photo layer on top with the original untouched portrait.Reduce the opacity to around 40 percent and set the top layer to Overlay.Enhance with Effects:To accentuate the final look, add effects like HDR, Neon, or Halftone Dots.And there you have it! Your photo transformed into a captivating mosaic masterpiece. Feel free to experiment with different images and effects to create unique variations.